Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the HAD

I got on the scale this morning. I've lost four pounds in the eight days I've been on the HAD. At this rate in 32 days I will achieve my weight goal. 32 more days eating like a medieval Japanese peasant. That seems like a long time. Monday I will check my weight again and make a decision to stay the course or not.

I'm considering a modified HAD in which I allow myself one flavour category per week. The idea being to see if I feel better some weeks than others to identify a shorter list of problematic foods. So one week I could eat my HAD foods but also the nightshade group (potatoes, tomatoes and peppers) the next week I could eat the HAD foods plus gluten (bread) and another week I could eat some cheese. I don't miss milk. The nut milk and rice milk are good enough substitutes but man,

I miss cheese.


Jossilynn said...

Stay strong! The HAD is tough....but just think of the wonders you're doing by giving your immune system time to rebuild itself! (you said yourself that you ate yourself sick in December). You'll be better for it....and there's suerly cheese at the end of the tunnel ;P

Anonymous said...

As it turns out I had JE at a doctors appointment this week and took the opportunity to jump on a scale as well and revealed that I have dropped below the 210 level which has to be 10+ lbs below where I was last spring when you last saw me.... even on the See It Eat It diet........ I had cheese last night!!