Sunday, May 18, 2014

Monopolies are as bad as mono-cultures.

Mono-cultures are a failed experiment in agricultural efficiency. After a brief honeymoon of bumper production mono-cultures require more work and more artificial inputs to produce the same amount of food as managed mixed agriculture. Mono-cultures are only feasible because diesel is so incredibly cheap when compared to manual or draft animal labour.

We need to stop the "Agricultural Growth Act". Sounds crazy doesn't it but Bill C-18 has a clause in it that has to be a deal breaker. It sounds simple and it is. It sounds harmless but it isn't. The Government of Canada wants to enhance plant breeders rights (giant corporations) over growers rights (people).

In a nutshell the Bill wants to change what is currently the right to save seed into a privilege essentially controlled by the plant breeder. Essentially transferring more control over food safety, food security, health and the environment to unaccountable third parties.

Benefits to you as a Canadian citizen:

1. Food costs will rise because the cost to producers will rise as more money will be transferred to giant multinational corporations that are already making huge profits.

2. Food production will be consolidated into fewer ever larger corporations as added costs continue to squeeze small and medium size producers out of business. (And if that doesn't get them the legal fees will!)

3. Food variety will shrink as plant breeders will decide what to sell based on their profit margins. And no, that's not the same as what sells well at the supermarket.

We all know things go downhill fast once one or pitifully few companies control an industry and well, the ugly truth is food is not a normal industry - food is a necessity.

So unless you like the idea of paying what was once your "fun" fund to eat flavoured starch as you wait for your next doctor's appointment (your malnourished) please write your MP.