Friday, January 29, 2010

28 days

28 days
I’ve now been eating Paleo for 28 days. If I was a crackhead or an alcoholic they’d send me out to face the world. No wonder those programs have such dismal success rates. 28 days might be enough time to clean the toxins out of your system but mentally it seems like nothing. I can see the positive results again this week but the idea of eating the strict diet even for a year still seems daunting. I’m glad I’ll be into my experiments next month. I’m also curious to see what kind of impact they will have on the numbers.

I know you’ve all been waiting for this moment anxiously so here they are :

Fat %.................................20.3…………………………..12.5
Water %.............................54.3…………………………..58.3
Muscle Mass……………………147.6…………………………162.2
Basal Metabolic Rate………..2061…………………………2246
Metabolic Age…………………..35……………………………..14
Bone Mass………………………..7.6……………………………8.4

Yeah I find it funny too that every week in the 30 seconds between weigh in’s my weight changes. But the numbers are encouraging. In four weeks I’ve lost 10 pounds and it is pretty much all fat and with minimal exercise.

In even better news I saw a website ( that lists beer and coffee as acceptable carbs in moderation (up to 2 a day each!) that pretty much clears the two biggest hurdles for me to stay on a moderate form of the diet. If you figure that any attempt at a healthy diet will tell you to avoid or at best limit coffee and alcohol I’d say that’s pretty good.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


On Monday we had pie in the office to celebrate someone’s birthday. Because I’m a considerate guy I didn’t want to overshadow the person’s birthday with my crazy diet. So I decided to suffer through a tiny wedge of apple pie. I’m such a nice guy. Feel free to send me money. I’ll be nice to it.

As some of my readers may already be aware I'm big on moderation so I do not view the extreme version of the Paleo-diet as a realistic life change. Especially considering that half of what I am eating on this diet travels thousands of kilometers to get to my table so the diet is not sustainable in it’s current format. To this end I've decided to see what foods cause me problems and test to see if the Neanderthin guy is telling the truth when he says I will lose my taste for these “modern" foods.

Surprisingly the apple pie was not tasty. Normally I like apple pie and pre Christmas I liked the apple pies we had in the office. Same for the apple pie at the Christmas pot luck. All provided by the same person presumably from the same place. At least I didn’t suffer any ill effects.

So this morning in the interest of science I bought a cinnamon roll from the cafeteria at work. Before starting the Paelo-diet I would occasionally buy one of these delicious monstrosities when I would step off the bus hungry. So from October to December I probably ate between one and two dozen of these cinnamon rolls. Every single one of them was delicious. Delicious. This one, not so much. It tasted off rather than delicious. Reminiscent of the pie. Then I got a bloated feeling. And then a headache.

I figure to make myself sick on junk on Superbowl Sunday. Then I'll cleanse with a strict week and in February I will begin experimenting with the bad for me foods like potato chips, corn chips, milk products, and bean products. Not necessarily in that order and not at the same time. I will also see if the negative effects of some more generally accepted mild poisons that we eat every day such as the myriad -oses and alcohol are more noticeable.

Unlike after the hypoallergenic diet rather than gradually reincorporating these foods back into my regular diet what I'm thinking of is establishing a list of paleo-diet forbidden food categories that will be OK for me as occasional treats. Based on the pie and the cinnamon roll, wheat doesn’t look like it’s going to make the cut. Mild discomfort plus a not so good anymore taste hardly makes for a treat. So the basic criteria will be does is still taste good? Good enough to put up with any discomfort that results?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why it works

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about why this diet would work. The way I see it, ancient peoples most likely started eating what are essentially grass seeds out of desperation, and then added them to the regular diet as a security blanket.

When we look at it the foods eliminated from this diet they are mainly filling starchy bulk and lots of caloric energy but relatively low in the nutrient and mineral factors. Pre-mechanized agriculture was pretty labour intensive stuff from what I understand so during that period all that extra caloric energy was probably useful. Having a desk job I don’t need those empty calories.

For comparison, a five inch spear of broccoli has 11 yummy calories. Just to get my basal metabolic rate in calories I’d need to eat 186 five inch spears of broccoli a day. Not gonna happen. And that much broccoli would give me 85 times my daily vitamin C requirement. And seven times my vitamin A, and five times my potassium. So naturally you mix it up. Almonds for example are seven calories each so 293 almonds would meet my caloric needs. You can see why this diet allows you to eat all you want.

9.5 cups of long grain brown rice would give me my entire daily caloric need but I’d get next to nothing in terms of my vitamin and mineral needs. The best would be not quite half of my required iron. 5.5 cups of pasta would meet my daily caloric and carbohydrate needs but nothing else.

A pound of chicken is calorie wise pretty similar to that cup of pasta but provides a lot more essential nutrients. 5.5 pounds of chicken would be way too much of many of your nutrient needs. Caribou is better still. More importantly still, meat gives you your essential fats.

Essentially you should eat vegetables to get most of your minerals and nutrients and then you need to find a source of caloric energy. Bear in mind that the starchies cannot be digested raw because they are not a natural primate food and that you need to either eat meat or take supplements to get your essential fats and oils anyway. So unless you are training for the Ironman and you need the extra calories the diet makes sense.

If you are trying to lose weight you would eat an even higher proportion of vegetables. I think in the book the guy says 80% of your plate vegetables 20% meat. This is supposed to change your metabolism from relying on carbohydrates and sugars for energy to converting fat (from the meat you eat) into energy. Then if you eat not enough meat it naturally turns to your current fat reserves. In Paleo terms this would be the "between kills" period. Don't forget that everywhere early humans went macrofauna extinctions followed them. Which means they were likely feast and famine style big game hunters.

The Boss is reading a book now called the Paleodiet for Athletes. When summer comes and I can hopefully find some time to get out and really exercise (maybe biking to work) I will want to read that book. It should also be useful for the longer hiking trips I am planning to do if I decide to stay on diet.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week Three Numbers

Body Fat %....................21.8………….………….14.4
Body Water %................53.2………………………57.1
Muscle Mass…………..…146.2……………………..160.4
Basal Metabolic Rate……2046…………………….2226
Metabolic Age………………40………………………...18
Bone Mass…………………..7.6…………………………8.2

My first comment is how did I gain a pound in one minute without eating anything? And I was doing so good having lost another three pounds this week. Three pounds of muscle apparently.

I think I am eating too much meat for my activity level. But looking at the menu less meat will make this a tougher diet to follow. A lot of what I am eating now comes from far, far away and that will only increase if I reduce the locally produced meat which will make the Paleodiet rather un-green.

The Neanderthin guy did say this diet is now possible largely because of the variety available in our supermarkets. I’m curious as to how viable this diet would be if the poor countries start keeping their food for their own starving people rather than selling it to us? If I was only eating foods that could be produced in southern Ontario minus the evil corn, potato, rice, beans and wheat, I know I’d be staring down the barrel of a very boring plate but how healthy would it be? Especially if I got all immoral and stopped eating animals? Not that that’s gonna happen.

I do have that dry skin issue like I had when doing the hypo allergenic diet last year. The eliminated foods in common are wheat, corn, potatoes and dairy. So it’s got to be something there. I’m guessing dairy. Why? Because I like cheese :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week Two Numbers

How insane is this diet? I’m going to watch the Divisional Round of the NFL playoffs this weekend with no beer. I’m not even going to have a beer when the Vikings send the red hot Cowboys down in flames! That’s how insane it is.

Actually, after a few early cravings it hasn’t been difficult at all to stay on diet. Of course we are technically eating too high a percentage of meat if this was a serious push at weight loss. Including a serious assault on the world’s strategic bacon reserve (it was on sale!).They say it’s better to shave the weight off slowly in a sustainable manner anyway.

So here they are:
Body fat %--------------------------21.6-----------13.9
Hydration %----------------------53.4-----------57.5
Muscle mass----------------------148.2----------163.2
Base Metabolic Rate ------------2075---------2266
Metabolic Age---------------------39-------------16
Bone Mass-------------------------7.6-----------8.4

So at the week two mark I’d have to say I’m seeing a positive trend and given the limited increase in my physical activity I am ready to attribute it to the diet. I’ve exercised six times since starting the diet - if you count 11 push-ups as a workout. So while the athlete numbers say I’m in decent shape somehow I don’t think 11 push-ups qualify me as an athlete. Maybe a curler? Hey, it’s an Olympic sport…

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not anytime soon

I went for a run tonight. Ran home actually. Not the whole way just from Erin Mills Town Centre. Man that's a badly layed out mall. Anyway it's about 5km and I ran the whole thing with a backpack! So now I'm beat and it was all on concrete so my knees hurt. I crushed my goal of 30 minutes and did it in about 25. I might do some shorter runs but I would also like to find somewhere safe to run on something softer than concrte. For free. I know, good luck.

Oh, and 4 spots on Physh camp 2010 are already spoken for!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Physh Camp 2010

I had been thinking I would go back to our best ever fishing spot for Physh Camp 2010 but I have reconsidered. From here I'd be looking at a 6+ hour drive to the entry point so I've decided to once again break new ground. Besides, physh camp isn't really about the fish its about getting away from the lights and the noise and cleansing the soul.

So when and where. May 1st to 5th at Big Porcupine Lake. A bit early I know but the rest of May is not so good - Mother's day, Mississauga Race Weekend, Big Game NY and by then the bugs are out. I'll take the chill over the bugs.

The itinerary will be to arrive at entry point 6 (the aptly named Smoke Lake) around lunch time Saturday and get into Ragged Lake that night. That should be a couple of hours paddling and one 240 metre portage. Then on the Sunday a 590 metre portage into Big Porcupine lake. Big Porcupine has some well situated triangles for sites and a couple of good day trip possibilites. Stay three nights on Big Porcupine and then all the way home Wednesday.

If you are interested in joining me get in touch. Physh Camp veterans get priority and I'll book for a max of 6 including me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Lies, damned lies and statistics

Here are the week 2 numbers:

Body Fat %_____________:_____23.1________15.6
Water %_______________:_____52.4________56.4
Muscle Mass_____________:____145.8_______160.0
Base Metabolic Rate______:_____2044________2226
Metabolic Age__________:______44__________21
Bone Mass_____________:______7.6_________8.2

So what do they say? At first glance it looks like I lost 5 pounds in one week (woo hoo) but 2 pounds of that was water and the rest was muscle and bone and my fat content has gone up :(. Oh and I’m still dehydrated.

Not exactly an early round ringing endorsement for the Paleodiet. In one week I’ve aged 3 metabolic years or 5 years if I considered myself to be an athlete which brings me to my next problem with these numbers.

If I declare myself to be an athlete the scale gives me relatively healthy numbers so I went to the website to see when you can call yourself an athlete. In a total cop out the company says nothing. Apparently you are an athlete if you say you are. But seriously, does anyone out there have an opinion how much activity it takes for me to go from sloth to active to athlete? And maybe the scale needs an active person formula as well.

What I see so far though says to me that the makers of this magic scale assume that if you are using this scale it’s for one of two things:

1. Your doctor suggested it to help avoid heart attack number 6 or
2. You want to improve your triathlon times

In either case I’m thinking the magic scale is of limited use to “normal” people just trying to stay healthy. That said, it is neat to see some other numbers.

Totally contrary to the numbers I do feel better reminiscent of the hypoallergenic diet of last year. It makes me wonder if I don’t have some mild food allergy.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And so it begins

I took my new measurements yesterday. The holidays season was not kind. I am going to take two sets of measurements for the duration of the Paleodiet experiment. Me as a regular schmuck and me pretending to be an athlete. Why you ask? Because I'm going to start exercising again. Seriously. I'm going to sign up for a 10k again for motivation.

Catergory______________Shmuck /Athlete
Weight________________: 204.4 / 204.6
Body Fat %_____________: _22.1 / 14.1
Water % _______________: _53.1 / 57.5
Muscle Mass____________: 151.4 / 167.2
Basal Metabolic Rate______: _2124 / 2329
Metabolic Age__________: ___40 / 16
Bone Mass_____________: __7.8 / 8.6

So as you can see your self image really affects how the bio electric resistance is interpreted.

I'm really hoping this diet is as effective as the hypoallergenic diet I did last year but less gastronomically painfull.

The Boss will be doing a much more intensive blog about our diet experience as well. It can be found here: