Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Superbowl Results

The Saints won. I ate potato chips, drank beer (four) and ate pizza. And I suffered for it.

I found the game to be not particularily exciting and with neither team having any strong hold on me I was a casual observer so I can't say an upset stomach or stress had anything do do with my digestive troubles.

Short and sweet: after five weeks on the Paleodiet it was very obvious how comparatively hard the body works when trying to process the Standard American Diet. I didn't get any headaches or anything and not even much nausea but I did get a lot of bloating and gas and it took a day and half for the swelling in my abdomen to find any relief. Curiously, even though I felt overstuffed I felt better after comsuming a small amount of Paleo complaint food (TFTS TCLG!).

What I took away from the experiment was that although the Neaderthin guy hyperbolizes the effects he is telling the truth when he says that eating grains and dairy becomes noticeably uncomfortable when you are on the Paleo-diet. The junk still tasted pretty good though.

I'm curious to see how it will affect the numbers this week.

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