One positive of the 'Saug is that Christmas is much less disgusting here. December is almost here and, unlike when I lived in Ottawa, I'm not yet sick to death of Christmas lights and Christmas music and Christmas food and Christmas decor and Christmas "deals". There are hints of Christmas, a few houses with lights, the occasional wrapped tree on a car or snippet of music but it's not oppressive.
The Santa Claus parade, now featuring Mrs. Claus (how long before Santa's just the goofy figurehead and she's the dominant figure who makes things happen?), is this weekend so I expect the Christmas push will pick up speed after that but that's fine. I have no problem with a Christmasy December. It's the October creep and day after Halloween blitz that bothers me. Two months of all out Christmas a year is just too much. It's like claiming to be a vegematarian because you only eat meat one day a week.
I guess it's because a lot of the people who live here aren't Christians even only nominally and so they don't feel the pressure to partake in the orgy of consumption that celebrate's the saviour's birth. They have their own observances to make and luckily there is now enough of this diversity in the 'Saug that I don't have to suffer Christmas overload.
Who knows in 10 or 15 years I might want to put up a tree in my own home again?