Monday, January 10, 2011

The Boss and I went to the land yesterday to improve the temporary garage repairs. Not Sure if I mentioned that we stopped in on our way home from Christmas to find the roof of the temporary garage had collapsed? Well the roof had collapsed and I didn't have the materials with me to do a decent fix so yesterday we went back up after visiting our friend Tom in Peterborough the night before. Here is a photo of the new patch job:

Once that was done we had a cup of tea and went for a walk which turned into some wintertime exploring of the land. In the winter it's a lot easier to see things as the photos below will attest but what we found was good and bad. I'll start with the bad. The deer ate the new fruit trees we planted this fall (except the plum trees). So much for giving the trees a head start. Who says deer aren't evil?

The Good? We found what appears to be an old discer in the woods by a couple of big rocks. What is a discer you ask? this is a discer:

Hopefully I'll be able to get it out and in working order in the spring but right now it's well frozen into the mossy ground.

Here is the Boss hugging the biggest tree on the land. It's an Oak.

And here she is tackling the bane of our forest - choker vines. I expect to spend some time reducing this threat this winter and these things are pulling down some some good sized trees.

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