Monday, March 22, 2010


I’ve plateaued at approximately 190 pounds on the diet. Luckily the weather is improving so I can try to work on that last 15 pounds with exercise. To that end I’ve started running at lunchtime. I ran twice last week and will run twice this week and then I need to decide before April 1st if I want to try the Mississauga 10k and start training for real in April. That will only leave me 6 weeks to train so I probably won’t win but hey, I was just ranting about our new national obsession with being the master race so if I register I’ll approach it with a classic participaction pin attitude.

Do you remember the participaction pin? Back from the days when we were still a semi-autonomous nation-state trying to forge our own identity. The idea is still sort of around but now instead of being a free pin it’s a video game console that you have to buy from the Japanese.

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