Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Plans within Plans

The tentative 2010 schedule is now to do Physh camp Olympia the first weekend of May. Stagger through La Cloche Silhouette in the burning heat of early July and then hit the ‘Dacks in the crisp fall air.

In between I want to get out and do some Geo-caching. I still haven’t settled on a GPS though. I know more or less what I want but the question is can I afford it? I need to sit down and do the financial outlook for 2010 to match up to my schedule.

Who knew stepping off the rails would require so much planning? I suppose I could just do whatever I feel like but really I think that will lead to either a voluntarily permanent debt induced indentured servitude (the exact state of affairs I’m trying to escape from) or at best a massive delay in my escape.

I’ve got to find that balance that will allow me to set off on the road I want to be on as soon as I can without sacrificing the now.

This weekend I’m heading out to spend a small fortune dragging my anchor(s) to Toronto. I’m sure by Sunday night I’ll hate my mountain of stuff even more. Which might be good. It might make it easier to part with even more of it.

I hope.

Yeah, it’s a pretty complicated love-hate thing that I have with my stuff at this point.

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