Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Big Smoke

So here I am in the Big Smoke. It's big. And it's warm. I'll have to switch back to my September coat.

Did the GO train Subway commute today. This mass transit thing is not for the poor. I guess the poor are supposed to stay home and watch TV or something. And it's pretty time consuming as well but all in all not too bad. At least I got to sit down and relax which makes it better than driving by a long shot. I'm going to pester the manager about moving to an off peak schedule, probably 10-6 in the hopes that it will help the commute. As a bonus if I go in late I'll be able to stay up all night getting wasted!

The house is nice. And spacious. Good thing too. The Boss has a ton of stuff and when my ton of stuff is added to it the house will be full. Then the Boss will start selling my stuff that I have in duplicate of hers. I'm sure she'll sell a few of her things too for show ;)

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