I looked into booking passage on a freighter. There are travel agencies that will do it and some shipping companies take direct bookings. On the interweb it says $50-$75 per day. I found a company that takes passengers and does a fairly regular grain shipment of Montreal to Barcelona that takes about 10 days. That's $500-$750. Cheaper than flying but not exactly hoboing it. I did see some scant mention of working for passage on some shipping lines which would be even cooler.
As for training for a long hike - I've done nothing for far too long. The result being that I'm in pretty poor condition. As is if I tried to book passage on a freighter they might want to charge me as freight by kilo rather than human passage... So I'm going to have to make some kind of fitness plan for once the move is completed. That's in one more week and I'm looking forward to it. As an aside - if you are a single person and your main hobbies aren't watching TV and shopping, my advice is don't buy a house. A condo maybe.
As for a new exercise regime the relocation to Kanata will have a huge impact on what I do. I'll be living with the running man and family ans they are a pretty health conscious crew so I'll have the moral support. I'm thinking there will be some trail running at Kanata Lakes, some work with the weights and more yoga. Anyone have any recommendations for a good Ottawa west end yoga studio?
We're drunk in Chamonix! Hahahahahahahahao
There are a couple yoga studios out here. Try Blue Bamboo, two locations, one in Bridlewood is a store front, one in Kanata Lakes is out of a house. Blue Bamboo was talking of putting on a men's only session which would be nice since every time I head there I am the only guy and that is just weird.
There are a couple others such as Mountain Goat as well, which is within walking distance from the house.
As for running, I am in poor shape as well. We should be able to run together and there is always biking. Of course most of this has to happen after the boys are in bed which means after 7:45. So biking will only last so long before lights are needed in the evening, but mountain biking by headlights can be a whole new adventure.
If my drive to the west end this evening was any indication 7:45 is about when I'll get home!
But really isn't 23 years of tax dollars wasted on ponderances and studies enough already?
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