Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Second Race Comming Up

Saturday is the second of the four snowshoe races I have signed up for this winter. I wish there was a word for inbetween race and course. When I read race I think of challenging to win but really I'm just running against the clock to test my fitness.

The rib is still bothering me so I'm going to go for a short run tomorrow to decide if I will try the "hilly" course Saturday. I'm not enthused about doing the race anyway since this stupidest of injuries has kept me from doing any training so it's not like there will be any progress to measure from the last race and it's going to be really cold again (-18).

But then, I've already paid my entry fee...


Anonymous said...

how'd u hurt the rib?

Ken said...

By thinking about what I was going to do next and not paying attention to what i was doing at the moment - shovelling the driveway.