I'm doing a Woodworking 101 course this winter to learn about joinery. In the past I've tried a couple of times to make frames for pictures but usually it hasn't worked and now I know why. Making a frame is not so simple as cutting some wood and glueing the corners. The glue won't hold on end grain so you need to insert a biscuit into the joint for the glue to hold. It's not that complicated so it's what I'll be doing in the future.
I do have one frame that is an exception. Despite not knowing or following the rules it has held up. I think it's because the frame is MDF moulding glued together with a particle board backing. These cheap materials doing have any grain, end or otherwise to pull apart with changes in humidity or temperature.
It's one of those rare instances where two wrongs have made a right. Wrong material plus wrong method but it has gotten the job done. Here's a picture:
(the art in the middle is not my creation)
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