Friday, December 10, 2010

The Divide

I went up to the land yesterday and every time I go I see something along the 37 that reminds me why I don’t want to live in a city anymore. Right on the side of the highway there is a house with a sign offering “New Honey”. The honey sits on a bench under the sign in mason jars with a tupperware container to hold your payment. I don’t know how many times this unattended set-up has been robbed of either honey or cash but apparently not so much as to deter the proprietor. In ten years of living in cities I’ve never seen such a set-up - roadside selling on the honour system.

The city is not nearly as bad as the nightly news would have you believe. Why just the other week I went to Hogtown in the wee hours of the morning and didn’t get shot. Never even got shot at actually. Listening to the evening news I’m not sure if I should be relived or insulted?

Seriously though, the roadside honey stand to me speaks to a different relationship to your environment in rural areas. I’m not talking about smurf villages or anything but just a less adversarial environment than the metropolis.

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