Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Less than three more weeks

I am currently a dry animated husk. I am dead. But I consume and therefore I must feed. I am a zombie. Almost.

Every week I snatch a few hours in which to almost live. Get close enouhg that I can see life from there. It mostly consists of hiding out with my netbook and trying to conquer the galaxy in pixels or vegging in front of a movie. But most of the time I am little more than a hamster on a wheel - running because I don’t know what else to do. I am pursuing money like a Romero zombie pursues brains. It is an all consuming obsession without rhyme or reason.

In theory, some day, I will use this money to set myself free. Free of the urban rat race. I will live on a farm with trees and animals and grow my own food and not be just another sacrifice on the altar of Greed. Or will I? Will my current obsession, my all consuming pursuit, my dark master greed, follow me into the countryside? They do say old habits die hard. In the end will I simply toil a different toil for Mammon? The lash of the tax man ever present across my back?

This is why I’m so looking forward to Physh Camp this year. A few days off the wheel. A few days of living to remind me what it’s like to not be an animated husk.

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