The three days of day hiking didn’t materialize either. The first full day back at the car camping (Wednesday) we felt it prudent to let the Boss' feet and IT bands heal up some. I honestly have no idea what we did that day, it just sort of passed. We didn't do anything but I don't recall getting bored. That night I learned that it doesn't rain in Killarney but occasionally Georgian Bay overflows it's banks and inundates the park. Oh and my tent is now more water resistant than water proof - and not particularly resistant.
So we drove into Sudbury thinking about shopping for a new tent. First we ate a huge breakfast at Gonga's Grill - now with 6 locations! Another good meal IMO, really liked the sausages.
Who knew that Sudbury was such a culinary delight for a working man's appetite? After checking both outdoor stores and deciding that neither store had what I was looking for we went to the IMAX and watched the Grand Canyon movie. Lots of nice visuals that make me want to visit it even more but like pretty much all environmental films a bit too much preaching to the choir.
When we got back it was warm and sunny so we got to dry out our stuff more or less.
Friday we finally did a day hike. We chose the Granite Ridge Trail which is rated as medium. The otherl choices were a trail called Cranberry Bog but after the flood I thought about the mud on La Cloche back when the forest fire index was high and figured a trail called Cranberry Bog might need SCUBA gear now that the index was down to low. The third trail involved a short drive to the trail head.
There is a colossal gap between medium and difficult. Good views of Georgian Bay from the granite ridge and we met some dude who was sending cell phone pictures from the Ridge to his GF to show her what she was missing. Apparently she doesn't go in for the camping and hiking. I was jealous of his awesome day pack. It was a bigger version of my own waist belt day pack.
We finished the Killarney leg of the trip with a trip to Herbert's World Famous Fish and chips in the cool village of Killarney. $13.00 for whitefish and french fries! It was delicious. Killarney is a nice little town. Not overly touristic but it obviously has a tourist industry with the Georgian Bay boaters and the Park goers.