Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I can now safely say winter is over. Apparently this was a really severe winter so that's not so bad. Other than running out of firewood I didn't find it bad. And I knew going in I didn't really have enough wood. That said, it was awesome to enjoy my first real winter in years.

All that is done now. A week ago my tractor implements were lost buried under the three feet of snow. Today even the pallets they were sitting on are dry. I've never seen so much snow melt so fast. The province has flooding all over the place and even the main highway between here an the city was flooded today. Which is good for us. Very little water in the basement and more erosion than I would like in the garden but for the most part the water drained away fast and furious.

During the late winter storms are ewes decided to lamb. We started off with Middy having two still births, then Little Mum and Shaggy only keeping one of each of their twins. We were lucky enough to give away the abandoned lambs to a petting zoo. Then Matilda had a sets of twins with no problems, Friendly had triplets and Tebow had a big one.

There are seven lambs in the barn. Friendly couldn't look after three so we have one in the house. And yeah, they are way cuter in person.

The chickens are doing fine, the cats are fine, the bees are all dead. It looks like the hives got wet with all the freeze/thaw and the bees froze. I'm sad but I will try again because I really like working with the bees.

Other than that all is well and I'm still looking for work but at least the opportunities seem to be picking up so hopefully I'll land something soon.