Friday, May 25, 2012

Score one for the freaky hippies

What is usually the worst part of my allergy season has passed without me having to use a single loratadin tablet! Sure there were a few sniffles and sneezes along the way but nothing too severe and no itchy burning eyes at all. This is especially impressive since I have started wearing contact lenses occasionally again this year.

I credit the delicious raw honey I've been eating and drinking all winter, courtesy of my hard working girls. The freaky hippies claim that the pollen and such in the raw honey retrains your body to remove the negative associations with that pollen that create the allergies. It makes as much sense to me as the idea that you develop allergies as you get older as your body's defences learn to associate actual airborne toxins with specific pollens. This is the explanation I was offered for why I was allergy free as a kid but have allergies as an adult.

I've even gone to so far as to push the envelope by eating mucus forming blocks of delicious cheese. Still no clogged sinuses. Allergy round two comes in August so lets keep our fingers crossed.

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